The Porch Ghouls P.O. Box 41444 Memphis TN 38104-1444
United States Of America
Porch Ghouls [info[AT]porchghouls{DOT}com]
Eldorado Del Ray: guitar, lead vocals
Slim Electro: guitar
Duke Baltimore: drums
Randy Valentine: harp, harmonica, morracco's
Bruce Saltmarsh's musical history
Scott Taylor's musical history
Eldorado Del Ray was in Grit Kisser.
- Porch Ghouls 10" (Orange Recordings, 2001, OR-13)
recorded by Jeffrey Evans orange vinyl
- Give Me Back My Wig (Hound Dog Taylor)
- Spoonful (Willie Dixon)
- Get Down With It (Little Richard)
- Take Me To The River (Al Green)
- Going Down South (R.L. Burnside)
- Billy Lee Riley
- Bluff City Ruckus LP/CD (Columbia/Roman Records, 2003, 087033-CK)
- God's Little Acre
- Girl On The Road (Ford Fairlane)
- Tragic Ground
- Nine Dollars Worth Of Mumble
- Priming The Well
- Mississippi River Payday
- Fly In The Coffin
- John The Indian And George Hopkins
- Ten Thousand Blueberry Crates
- Little Candy For Tessie
- A Knife To Cut The Cornbread
- Bluff City Ruckus
- God's Little Acre - Reprise
- Orange Sampler CD (Orange Recordings, 2001, OR-18)
- Priming The Well
- Porch Ghouls official website
- Porch Ghouls @ orange recordings