- QMRCD 012 Late Night Venture, Late Night Venture CD
- Condition Lost
- So Far
- Pay The Moon
- Lazy Star
- Heatherhill
- Peace Fountains
- After
- Modesto
- Tahoe Morning Dinner
- Drift In A Slipstream
- One Night All Trees Blossom
- QMRCD 013 Yellowish, So Bright CD
- This Is My Direction
- Unite
- Cars
- Anymore
- Awake
- Daydreams
- Sad And Beautiful
- Closer
- Sleepyhead
- So Bright
- QMRCD 015 Marvins Revolt, Fell In Love With Tanks & Satellites CD
- Revolted
- Explosing Suns
- Inch"
- Sex Will Help
- Mouth Blood
- Brief Manifest Conversation
- The Indifference (Of Good Men And Women)
- F / Lava
- Dust On The Head
- Let Go Of The Decades
- All Is Good